Can certain scents inspire productivity?

24 July 15
productivity feature image

We’ve all been there – so much to do yet so little inclination to get it done. While it can be hard to be productive, the benefits of enhanced productivity are endless. Personal happiness, health and welfare are all bound to increase, and contrary to popular opinion you’re also more likely to have a better work / life balance.

Of course, this doesn’t make getting productive any easier. No matter how many self-help books or articles you read, it can still be hard to get started – and that’s where we come in. Here at Melt we stock some very special fragrances. Fragrances that can change your mood and enhance your wellbeing; in fact, some of our candle scents even have the power to boost your productivity and help you get things done!

productivity office

These power scents – as we like to call them – are also commonly used in workplace environments because of their ability to impact productivity. Yes- that faint fragrance you can smell in your office may just be your employer’s sneaky way of boosting your performance! In fact, one study found that when lemon oil was diffused throughout a Japanese office building, productivity among data entry operators increased by 54%!

Of course, lemon isn’t the only scent to get our rusty brain cogs going and legs moving. There’s a whole host a fabulous fragrances said to boost willpower, brain power and productive, so why not just give them a try?

Our top scents for getting productive


Unfortunately, sniffing those cinnamon buns and spiced cookies won’t do the trick here, you need something a little more powerful! Burning a cinnamon fragrance on the other hand will create a sense of alertness, helping improve focus and productivity.

autumn short fat scented candle

Try: Autumn scented candles


We’ve mentioned it once and we’ve got to mention it again. The zesty lemon scent is an incredibly powerful choice for jolting lazy minds into action. You’ll certainly be saying goodbye to all those daydreams!

Try: Rich Cream scented candles


Sometimes, a push in the right direction doesn’t work, especially when stress and depression are behind our lack of productivity. This is where jasmine comes in. It can be used to calm nerves and reduce depression, while at the same time producing that feeling of confidence, optimism and energy.

burgundy short and fat scented candle

Try: Burgundy scented candles


Similar to lemon, this scent is bold and zesty and has the added advantage of working well with a wide range of scents. Team with cinnamon for a real productivity-booster that smells saintly too!

dance short and fat scented candle

Try: Dance scented candles


We can’t quite put our finger on why rosemary helps us get going, but a multitude of research supports that this is the case. Reports show that rosemary scents help people to be quicker and even smarter in tense situations … certainly one we’ll have to try for ourselves!

Eden scented candles

Try: Eden Scented Candles

What activities do you need help getting productive with? Whether it’s those household chores or going to the gym, we’d love to know! Leave your comments below or tweet us @MeltCandles