Up Close And Personal With…Aubergine

7 November 13
autumn scented candles

We have decided to add a new feature to our blog, whereby once a month I’ll be contributing to our blog on a more personal level where you’ll learn about each of our fragrances.

Although initially unsure about baring my personal ramblings and mutterings about fragrance for all to see, I hope as long as I stick to what I know and love, it might be ok, Just!

So, every now and then, you’ll find me twittering on about a particular melt fragrance – and the influences that drove its creation.

For me, fragrance is intrinsically linked to the seasons and a sense of place: a mid-summers evening could never smell like a spring morning – and there is something about the expectation that comes with the start of a new season that makes the air smell differently. Once my sense of smell kicks into that “air-change” I’m acutely aware of all the other changes: plant growth, leaf fall, whether the swallows have gone or arrived…and is the moon full or new.

The first of melts scented candles I’d like to talk to you about is Aubergine candle – which was created for exactly this time of year.

Many people regret the end of summer but there is something about early autumn that I especially love; the day’s can still be soft and warm – and the leaves still on the trees as they change their colour, but you can feel the sense of change around the corner.

The hedgerows on the lanes on the walk to the workshop will have been cropped by now, but those in the fields are left long and a little blowsy and the sloes and wild damsons are abundant, vibrant and rich in colour and scent.

We are always tempted to pick too many, but manage to restrain ourselves to a “reasonable” amount so there is plenty left for the wildlife. By the time we arrive home in the village – our fingers stained dark from the juice – the smell from the fruit is rich, earthy and spicy and captures that wonderful moment between the end of the Summer and the start of Autumn proper.

In short the “air has changed”…and it smells just beautiful!

I wonder what early autumn smells like to you? I’d love to hear your thoughts… have your say below, or tweet as @meltcandles.

P.S. Place an order for candles to the value of £45.00 of more, and you will receive a short & fat Aubergine candle worth £18.95 in with your order FREE of charge.

Bye for now… Cx