If you hadn’t already guessed, we’re big fans of essential oils here at Melt. Not only do they smell wonderful in our scented candles, they’ve also come to the rescue with a variety of ailments and skin problems we’ve suffered with over the years. But why are essential oils and aromatherapy so special? That’s exactly what we’ll be discovering in today’s blog…
What’s inside your essential oil?
The essential oils found within your favourite Melt scents are essentially mixtures – with each oil containing almost 300 substances within its make up. Considering our scents often contain four or five essential oils, that’s a lot of substance coming together to give off that beautiful smell!
Used throughout history for a wide variety of wellness applications, essential oils proven to be useful in everything from medical practice to beauty treatments and even food preparation!
While the Ancient Egyptians and Greeks were some of the first to make use of essential oils, the modern use of essential oils has continued to grow rapidly as science has validated their use. Identifying numerous health and wellness benefits of therapeutic-grade essential oils, the popularity of aromatherapy is at an all time high.
The benefits of essential oils
Studies have shown that tea tree oil may be an effective treatment for acne; peppermint oil may help with irritable bowel syndrome; grapefruit oil helps fight fatigue; and lavender oil can be used to relieve anxiety, depression and insomnia. Because of this, many are turning to these natural remedies in favour of chemical-based medical treatments.
The difference between natural essential oils and ‘fake’ alternatives
The chemical components of our favourite essential oils are difficult to reproduce synthetically – so while you find something that smells like real lavender oil, it won’t have half the benefits of the real thing.
The reason we favour pure essential oils over other synthetic scents is because they’re all natural and free from nasties. Unlike some sythentic scents, our essential oils are free of aromatic compounds – called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) – which have over time been linked with disease like cancer over time.
Another benefit of essential oils over other fragrance oils is their use in aromatherapy. Full of therapeutic properties, essential oils not only make scented candles, body products and soaps smell good, they also make them effective too. As well as making you and / or your home smell nice, essential oils bring benefits that can help one de-stress, become more productive, or even enhance the texture or composition of one’s skin.
At Melt you can be assured you’re receiving a clean burning candle that’s 100% natural. We only use pure essential oils in our candles to make sure you receive all the benefits you deserve from your favourite scent. To find out what oils we use, why not browse our scented candle collection?
What benefits have you experienced from using essential oils? Share your success stories with us in the comments below, or tweet them to us @MeltCandles