5 Fantastic Ideas To Spend Some ‘Me Time’ This Summer

7 August 17
5 fantastic ideas to spend some-Me-Time-this-summer feature image

It can be easy to get a bit stressed by all the hustle and bustle of daily life. Every once in a while, you need a little me time, and that’s exactly what we’re best at here at Melt. We’ve got a couple of suggestions for how you can spend some me time this summer, and all without spending a penny. Go on – treat yourself!


dancing couple

You heard us. Dance your blooming heart out! We’ve all got some favourite tracks we know others might not love, and those which might even be downright corny (80s ballads, we’re looking at you). This is your time to bust out the moves you know will embarrass your partner or children – or, depending on how you look at it, an amazing opportunity to practice them first so you can guarantee embarrassment. Plus, we’ve got a luxury scented candle that’ll be the perfect companion… our Dance range.

Take A Walk On The Wild Side

country walk

You can do this any time of year, true, but it’s especially lovely in the summertime, when the weather is warm and the sun has got his hat on. Take the time to browse some of the more interesting high street shops you always whiz straight past, or venture into the outer reaches of your hometown. If you’ve got any countryside locally, too, this is definitely the best time of year to enjoy it.

Hike up to the hills, or out into the furthest fields, and take yourself away from the buzz of traffic and the bleeping of technology. It might help to put your phone on silent for a little bit, too. When you can only hear the quiet rustle of the breeze, and maybe the distant rush of the occasional car, you might just realise how little actual silence we all get in our day-to-day lives, and just how glorious it is! (This is a particular favourite of ours, up here in the beautiful Ribble Valley – and we’ve got some fantastic scented candles on this theme in our stock, too.)

Tour A Museum Or Gallery

visiting galleries

This is a wonderful one too, blending that same sense of calm and quiet but without the solitude that a country walk might involve. For the parents amongst you, you’ll know that trying to browse some of the more stunning examples of artistic merit can be somewhat undermined by a small child tugging at your coat sleeve asking when they can go to the teashop. Instead, relish in the opportunity to gaze at your favourite pieces at your leisure, and without any nagging limits on your time or patience.

Get Something Done

 get jobs done

OK, it might not be quite as attractive an idea as some of the others on this list, but it can still be very rewarding! That old to-do list can get a bit overwhelming in day-to-day life, so it can be good to get some of those nagging tasks out of the way when you’ve got a bit of time. Maybe put up a picture, or fix that door handle that’s been bugging you for ages. It can be something as simple and quick as tidying the living room, or sorting out your kitchen store cupboards. It doesn’t sound all that fun at first glance, but the best thing about it is that once you’ve done all that, you can sit back in front of the telly doing nothing for a bit. It’s great – you get the double whammy of feeling productive, and then do as little as you live without feeling guilty about it.

Who knows, maybe while you’re doing that last one, you might find that one of our luxury scented candles won’t go amiss! You can browse our full range of candles here, or give us a call on 01200 443377 – we’re always happy to help.

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