It’s time to get all mystical again here at Melt. Today it’s the turn of all you Aries folk, as we dissect your good and bad bits and discover the perfect candle to suit your personality.
As you might be able to tell from our previous blog posts, we haven’t really got a bad word to say about any star sign.
So many of our good friends and regular customers have birthdays throughout the year and they’re all rather special.
With that in mind, we thought we’d share some extra special love to our Aries readers today – let’s just call it our birthday treat – as we share our most loved Aries traits…
5 qualities we love about our Aries friends
They’re ever so trusting. Not that they needn’t be with us of course! But it’s a great feeling knowing that your Aries friend has great faith in your every action.
They’re incredibly generous. Who wouldn’t want a generous friend? They have a habit of putting great thought into your needs and going that extra mile at times you need it most.
They’re enthusiastic. There’s nothing better than an adventurer and go-getter when you want to make plans.
So if you fancy going out on a fabulously fun day trip, or you’re pining for another trip abroad, we can guarantee your Aries friend will be up for it!
They’re always optimistic. We all need a bit of encouragement from time to time and an Aries friend is a great person to turn to for that.
Their natural optimism shines through and generally makes them a real delight to be around.
They’re super committed. Commitment it a wonderful trait to have in any friendship and relationship. So once an Aries is sold on your friendship, they’ll be a friend for life.
The perfect candle for an Aries
While we covered a lot of things we love about an Aries, they do occasionally suffer from moodiness, stress and a short temper.
The perfect candle to burn in these moments from our range of scented candles is Hush. The soft, easy, gentle fragrance encourages one to be still and relaxed and will cure those mood swings in no time at all!
When we think of adventure, something that really makes an Aries tick, we think of the Eden scented candle. Reminiscent of gorgeous cut grass and infused with creamy fig, this delightful scent is full of inspiration and beauty.
Our Dance scented candle fragrance is the perfect complement to the Aries enthusiastic personality. Just like an Aries, Dance bounces out of its box and delights all those around. This heady fragrance also features some of our favourite scents – Lily, Jasmine and Gardenia.
Aries folk are some of the most romantic you’ll find, and once committed to a lover, they’re signed up for life. Luckily we have a red hot romantic fragrance, perfect for an Aries in More. Our Love scented candle is enriched with lots of rose, rose and even more rose, it’s guaranteed to be a favourite amongst all Aries.