It’s late spring, and summer is getting closer and closer. But many Brits may not feel too summery with the UK’s weather currently less than perfect. But it’s certainly a relief to warm up after a chilling winter…
Nevertheless, spring and summer are times for bright colours and, apart from wearing fashionable spring season clothes, it’s also important to decorate your home to reflect the season and put you in the great mood.
With that in mind, we’ve come up with some ideas to help you get your seasonal interior décor just right…
1. Open space
One of the most important spring and summer interior décor ideas is to make your rooms spacious and light. Don’t stuff your living room with too many items, such as multiple couches and beanbags. Leave it as open plan as you can.
2. Florals
A very simple idea for spring and summer decoration is to use a lot of florals, making every room look bright and colourful – floral print bedsheets and covers work particularly well.
A beautiful arrangement of fresh flowers is a great addition to your home, especially if grown yourself. Think about what types of flowers you’d like to plant in those flowerbeds for next year.
3. Curtains
Remove those thick winter curtains that keep the cold out and replace them with cotton ones for a brighter room, using bright colours to get the desired effect.
Warm tones usually dominate the season, with colours like peach, orange and yellow closely associated with it. They are great as curtains because they liven the space and illuminate your home.
4. Colourful stones and Melt scented candles
You can make the evenings smell better and look more colourful by these decorative items to your home. We recommend Blush for summer evenings, and Dance for a heady floral.
Our Eden range of luxury handmade scented candles are also great because it reminds us of freshly cut grass and a gently breeze.
7. Plants
It’s always great to bring some greenery into your home, and there’s no better time than spring, when life is emerging. Decorate your home with plants to capture the spirit of the season.
Summertime perennials include roses, lilies and daisies.
8. The natural look
Natural objects work great at this time of year. Items like pebbles are fruit excellent for decoration. Sometimes, the addition of a single natural object can be enough. Find items that have interesting shapes like twisted branches.